SMALL CENTER FALL 2022 design team
Emilie Taylor Welty & Jose Cotto (project leads, studio instructors), Rachel Bennet, Belinda Chau, Charles Crawford, Katherine Dunn, Lauren Liroff, Riley Siltler, Delaney Smith, Sam Spencer, Franky Taylor, William Trotter, Maria Arrieta Vallanrino, Jose Varela Castillo, Antonia Villafranca, Bryce Winter
STEM Library Lab is a teaching resource center for primary and middle school instructors in the greater New Orleans area. The lab provides teachers with access to a copy-print center, lounge spaces, a library of STEM-based lesson materials free to borrow, and lessons on special curricula like animal dissections.
As part of a research studio under the Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design, students were assigned this design-build project with a special focus on the renovation of STEM library lab's lounge spaces.

The project features a series of booths that divide the open lounge area from the more compartmentalized copy-print center. A sculptural rope ceiling guides visitors from the large double-height library space to the more intimate teacher's lounge.
Other program elements include a double-height display wall, reception desk, integrated storage, and an open kitchen with a mobile island to keep the space flexible for events.

rope sculpture, designed by William Trotter in collaboration with Riley Siltler

rope sculpture, designed by William Trotter in collaboration with Riley Siltler

rope sculpture, designed by William Trotter in collaboration with Riley Siltler

rope ceiling, designed by William Trotter in collaboration with Riley Siltler

Work Pods, designed by Jose Varela Castillo and Frank Taylor, built in collaboration with the Small Center team

rope ceiling, designed by William Trotter in collaboration with Riley Siltler

Rope Sculpture and Ceiling Axonometric, drawn by William Trotter

Work Pods, designed by Jose Varela Castillo and Frank Taylor, built in collaboration with the Small Center team